Through the years...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The twins at 8 months old. James looks like he thinks he's super cool. ha ha Evie is between fussing and smiling.
Here is Evie doing her yoga plank. :-)
Ha ha, I love this one because it looks like James just smacked the back of Evie's head (he didn't), but it looks funny...I love James' little smile!
Here is handsome Isaac showing the two missing teeth that just fell out.

Isaac loves to play with his brother and sister in the jumper and walkers.
I took these pictures to enlarge and frame. James was being so smiley...isn't this an adorable picture of him!!
And here is my Evie, so happy and clapping. :-D So cute.
Evie kept squinting when it was about to flash. I have yet to get a picture of both of them smiling in it! :-)
I thought this was cute....they interact with each other all the time. They will smile at each other, I haven't gotten a picture of them smiling at each other, but they do it all the time and it's so cute!

The twins had a really bad cold or the flu for like 2 was so hard. Especially because I was sick too. Here they are at 7 months old. I had to take a picture of them looking so pitiful...they were leaking from their eyes, nose and mouth almost contantly with green gunk coming from their eyes. Poor little guys!

The Grandparents

Our kids are the luckiest kids, they have 4 sets of Grandparents! Here they are (all but one soon-to-be Grandpa) all in the same room! :-) This was ecspecially amazing because one set lives in London and this was the first time that the kids or even myself got to meet them! They are the ones on the far left of the picture. So, from left to right: Grandma and Grandpa Kojman (Michael's Dad), Grandma and Grandpa Burke, Grandma Jensen (her soon-to-be husband is the one missing from the picture), and known as...Grandma Anitra (my Dad's finance) and Grandpa Jensen. :-) This was really fun getting this picture taken and having everyone all together!
Here is another picture, I'm trying to keep Isaac under control and Evie has lost it...ha ha ha. This visit was in February, but I'm just now getting around to posting it! We had such a great time! I was so thoroughly enjoying getting to know Michael's Dad! It was so fun seeing the other half of my kids gene pool! :-D Menahem (Michael's Dad) he was loving it too, of course....he would look at Isaac's hands and say 'Hey, they are just like mine!' things like that. And, it's true Isaac and James have many of Menahem's physical features. It was fun to see how much Michael is like him as well. :-)