The twins at 8 months old. James looks like he thinks he's super cool. ha ha Evie is between fussing and smiling.

Here is Evie doing her yoga plank. :-)

Ha ha, I love this one because it looks like James just smacked the back of Evie's head (he didn't), but it looks funny...I love James' little smile!

Here is handsome Isaac showing the two missing teeth that just fell out.

Isaac loves to play with his brother and sister in the jumper and walkers.

I took these pictures to enlarge and frame. James was being so smiley...isn't this an adorable picture of him!!

And here is my Evie, so happy and clapping. :-D So cute.

Evie kept squinting when it was about to flash. I have yet to get a picture of both of them smiling in it! :-)

I thought this was cute....they interact with each other all the time. They will smile at each other, I haven't gotten a picture of them smiling at each other, but they do it all the time and it's so cute!